Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is a balanced, Biblical program that helps you overcome hurts, hang-ups and habits. We have classes and care for the entire family.
Friday Nights (Including Holidays)
6pm - Dinner in Heritage Hall
7pm - Main Session in the Chapel
We can help lead you from pain to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ: and help you overcome the hurts, hang-ups and habits that are causing you to struggle. Celebrate Recovery is based on the actual words of Jesus Christ rather than psychological theory.
We are based on God’s Word, the Bible. We are forward-looking, emphasizing personal responsibility. We are spiritually committed to Jesus Christ, and utilize the Traditional 12-Steps coupled with Biblical truth, recognizing that we need each other to grow spiritually. Celebrate Recovery addresses all types of hurts, hang-ups and habits: anything that you cannot control and steals your joy.
6pm - Dinner in Heritage Hall
7pm - Large Group Meeting in the Chapel
8pm - Open Share Groups (Men and Women)
9pm - Fellowship in Heritage Hall
We are:
a safe place to share • a refuge • a place of belonging • a place to care for others and be cared for • where respect is given to each member • where confidentiality is nonnegotiable • a place to learn • a place to grow and become strong again • where you can take off your mask • a place for healthy challenges and healthy risks • a possible turning point in your life
We are not:
a place for selfish control • therapy • a place for secrets • a place to look for dates • a place to rescue or be rescued • a place for perfection • a long-term commitment • a place to judge others • a quick fix
Yes, we have free childcare for ages infant to 6th grade.
Celebrate Recovery is for any kind of struggle in our lives. Less than one third of the people who attend Celebrate Recovery struggle with substance abuse — the rest come for anger, marriage struggles, overeating, pornography, you name it! Many come because their family is struggling. If a family member is struggling, it affects everyone — and all of us need support. Everyone needs recovery.